10 Credit Cards You Need To Know About It! I provided a free credit card with a phone call to enjoy the range of benefits and rewards I enjoyed. But, as the proposal seemed to me, I decided to take part in it. But, to my surprise, a lot of additional charges came to me…
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Latest GST News – Updates – Announcements Extend the maturity date of the GSTR-3b file! GSTR-3B’s maturity date for April 2018 was extended to May 22, 2018, from 20 May 2018. Last updated as April 10, 2018 In the state, the implementation of electronic trend bills starts to Telangana, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and…
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What is an audit? What are the objectives? What is “audit” An audit is an objective examination and an assessment of the financial statements of the organization to ensure that the records are a fair and accurate representation of the transactions it claims to represent. This can be done internally by employees of the organization…
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GST Council to take up 5% sugar cess to compensate cane farmers Meanwhile, many countries are opposed to the idea of a separate GST service because they run counter to the principle of a common indirect tax On Friday, the GST will consider a proposal to impose a sugar tax to compensate sugarcane farmers. The…
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Top 4 Practical Benefits of Cost Audit Report This article highlights the four most important practical benefits of a cost review report. The practical benefits are 1. Consumption of materials 2. Use of materials 3. Cost of services 4. Control of expenses. Cost Review Report: Operational Benefit 1. Consumption of materials: In order to comply…
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